Challenge: 中国消费者对燕麦奶品类认知不足,大部分消费者只知道牛奶是营养健康的。来自燕麦的植物奶由于不含脂肪、胆固醇是现代健康生活的更好选择。燕麦奶不是牛产的,但是更健康。 In China, consumer perception of oat milk products is far from enough. According to knowledge of most consumers, only milk is nutritional and healthy. The vegetable milk, extracted from oat and free of fat and cholesterol, comes as a better choice for those who highly value a healthy modern way of life. Though not produced by cows, yet oat milk is much better to health. Idea: 没有牛的奶 Solution: 中国汉语词汇“牛奶”,牛和奶是连接在一起的,有牛才有奶。但是现在不一样了,没有牛也可以有奶,那就是来自燕麦的奶。我们将消费者所熟知的农场挤奶画面中的牛进行了置换。奶农不再是给牛挤奶,而是给硕大的燕麦挤奶。打破消费者认知常识,制造戏剧冲突,让消费者清晰获取燕麦也有奶的信息,那就是圣悠活燕麦奶。 The Chinese word “ Niu Nai” (the milk of cows) shows a strong connection between cow and milk, indicating there won’t be milk without cows. Nowadays, however, things are changing and milk can also be produced by oats. In the advertising poster, we have replaced the usual scene where cows are being milked with the scene where the large and beautiful oats are being milked by farmers. The purpose of the dramatic advertising design is to convert the stereotyped perceptions of consumers and convince them also milk can be produced by oats. It is St Hubert Oat Milk. Results: 广告自投放以来产生了8000000+媒体触达,在社交媒体平台引发4500+次评论和转发,不仅增强了消费者对于燕麦奶品类的认知度,更加增强圣悠活品牌好感度,创意的呈现形式得到了消费者的认可和喜爱,为品牌拉新带来了积极的作用,品牌知名度提高40%。 Since being released, the advertising poster has been viewed by more than 8,000,000 person times, and commented and reposted by over 4,500 times via different social media platforms. Not only has this made oat milk products more popular among consumers, but gained greater recognition of consumers to St Hubert brand. The creative presentation is well received by consumers, playing a significant role in promoting the brand. It has seen a rise by 40% in brand recognition. 8000000+媒体触达 Viewed by over 8,000,000 person times 4500+社交媒体评论转发 Commented and reposted by more than 4,500 times 40%品牌知名度提高 A rise by 40% in brand recognition |